Dreaming Wide, With Open Eyes


Dreaming Wide, With Open Eyes 👁‍🗨

Lucid Village is a next-generation production company, founded by and for artists and storytellers, dedicated to creative spaces that uplift community and explore multi-dimensional concepts across different platforms.

Inspired by the proverb, it takes a village, our company serves as a dynamic hub for independent and collaborative work, fostering an ecosystem of support for fellow artists, with resources and opportunities from development to production.

Dreaming Wide, With Open Eyes


Dreaming Wide, With Open Eyes 👁‍🗨

Lucid Village is a next-generation production company, founded by and for artists and storytellers, dedicated to creative spaces that uplift community and explore multi-dimensional concepts across different platforms.

Inspired by the proverb, it takes a village, our company serves as a dynamic hub for independent and collaborative work, fostering an ecosystem of support for fellow artists, with resources and opportunities from development to production.

